Sunday, April 06, 2008

elusive summer

Summer is everybody’s favorite season especially to children. I wonder why beaches entice everyone to hang around the entire summer. And why we ignore the heat of the sun and get ourselves burnt. There’s something mysterious about beaches. (He-he). Speaking of summer: I have a hunch that this summer might not be as exciting as it happened to be last year because I am over loaded with so called “important matters”. I envy some of my friends who have already explored some beaches. But I’m determined not to join them yet for now. It’s a must to me to persevere and do my priorities first. It’s painful to be left behind and to be excluded from those cheerful summer activities. But I made the choice to be left behind. For next week my colleague tried to persuade me to join them on their Camotes Escapade. Well, this I definitely don’t have to deny myself: I can be with them because it’s my hometown and the date is no problem to me too. This is a sign that my summer is still in the hip of the hop. I’m excited yet showered of wandering-worried-excitement. Please do help me to survive (ha ha haha…)

1 comment:

Ezah/CC said...

happy weekend Glors! Nice pic....who knows basin more exciting pa diay this year, hehehe.

I love beach pud!


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