Monday, June 11, 2007

itchy bitchy

I feel heavy waking up this beautiful morning. Tired i know. Yestday my cousin ging2 and Ylan went to Argao. The travel was so exhausting. The beach gave me hell because i woke up with rashes today on my entire body. I couldn't carry the itch. actually, as we swam Ylan noticed itchiness on her body and she stopped swimming but stubborn am i continued until i was satisfied. Promised, i'd never felt itchy as we went home, just these morning that couldn't bare. Waaahhhh scratching too much can damage the skin but what do you think i can do? ggggrrrr... grabeh kaayo ka katul..mao nani gaba sa kalaagan.

its itchy bitchy tiny....familiar the song?...ggggrrrr

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