Saturday, November 10, 2007

My first time in life

The first time of my life was quite exciting and memorable. i wish i could do the second..hehe

1. 1st time you tried smoking:
- i don't smoke:(

2. 1st alcoholic drink you had:
- SMB it was in the house of my friend two shots was already drunk:(

3. 1st time you came home Late:
- 1998 or 1999, gimik sa club royale, with college buddies as in
full pack jud.

4. 1st award you received:
- an award of the top 2 on my elementary,i forgot what year that was.

5. 1st hero:
- superman

6. 1st time you were sent to the principal disciplinary actions:
- havent tried

7. 1st goal you accomplished:
- hmm..forgot!

8. 1st crush:
- mr. postman man to, haha.

9. 1st person who gave you flowers:
- would u believe a schoolmate sa
elementary -- catch is, she's a SHE.

10. 1st friend:
- hmm.. cant say who na.

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