Friday, June 20, 2008

name to endure

I have created fit4all under the name of my small business which has been existed a couple of months. I was lucky enough to have my beloved friend who bought this domain. However, when it is needed to register the business name in Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). I carried confidently the name fit4all. Unfortunately it was not approved by them for the reason of duplication to some of a business name here in the Philippines. You must create a business name unique which I thought fit4all was! It gave another headache thinking what would be the best stand alone business name. Imagine I gathered some ideas of my friends for this name. To register your business name you have to give 3 optional names, the one that doesn’t have duplication that will be the final business name of yours. The line of my business is clothing I had selections of: B-FIT, ForeverFitting, and Comfy and Fashionable. And the new business name that I should embark and carry during the entire existence of my business was: B-FIT! Well, not that bad..but I don’t know what B stands for? It doesn't have any significance that word:( hihi.. oh well, the Department of Trade and Industry has the right to refuse and decline your business name but on my own domain I have the right to keep and happily use this the rest of my entire life. I still love my fit4all baby! Hehehe

Yet another business name I registered…and I am clueless of the meaning: IGM BYKZ ‘R US, I only presumes that I-Indhay, G-Glorie, M- Marc ( oh curious) or Maria? Wahahaha that has been approved also. Then again, it still sounds good. I must embrace my business name. If I have another business name to register I should consult an expert in creating business names, is it almanacs or what? hehehe


Ylan said...

sige padatu diha, answeri sa ni akong tag hehe

Ylan said...

Glor, ang BFit does not sound a fashion item, rather a sport something...

gLoR!e said...

lagi sa? nah wala nako ka think anah kay gikapoi nako huna-huna unsa jud ang e businessname. heheh


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